Motions submitted to council

Every month each party represented at Bury Council (i.e. Labour, The Conservatives and Radcliffe First) have the opportunity to submit a council motion. A motion is about a matter for which the Council has a responsibility or which affects Bury MBC. It is put before a Council meeting for discussion or debate. The motion can be to adopt a certain course of action, to do an act or to declare a particular attitude. The list below lists all the motions submitted by Radcliffe First and the date they were discussed at council. It  also gives a summary of the motion and the proposed intended outcomes. The link with each motion takes to a page where you can view the full text of the motion.

Over the last few years we have submitted motions relating to the following subjects

Re-introduction of township forums

Date: 15th January 2025

Township forums would allow local people to have a say and raise issues such as regeneration, bin collections, road maintenance, invasive weeds, crime and disorder, the environment, health and fly-tipping.

Potential benefits of township forums are:

  • Residents would have the opportunity to ask direct questions of council officials.
  • Residents would be able to challenge council decisions in an open forum.
  • They could provide residents with the opportunity to get together and discuss issues of common interest.
  • They would focus on local issues.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Recognise the role the forums could play in providing spaces for conversation, connection, shared purpose and debate as part of a localism agenda
  • Bring back township forums on a quarterly basis for all townships in Bury MBC
  • Use the township forums to introduce/obtain feedback that will contribute to consultations about local issues e.g. regeneration plans and discussions about changes to road layouts
  • Include PACT meeting in township forums to ensure that crossover issues such as anti-social behaviour and parking are considered in the whole

See full motion (motion i)

Motion to provide accessible facilities and opportunities for improving the mental & physical wellbeing of our armed forces community which will also directly benefit Blue Light service veterans

Date: 13th November 2024

The Council notes that the Armed Forces Covenant Legal Duty, is a legal obligation on public bodies to ‘have due regard’ to the principles of the Covenant and requires decisions about the development and delivery of services to be made with conscious consideration of the needs of the Armed Forces community. These include healthcare, education, and housing services.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Direct Armed forces lead in healthcare, education, and housing services to promote better connectivity by working with veterans’ groups to better serve their unique needs. To find how we can best use our existing Council estate or find community venues with space to serve our veterans groups to enable development of support and access to space for their activities
  • Support veterans and support groups by providing mental health first aid and wellbeing training. Work with local agencies including adult education to promote these courses that benefit the mental wellbeing and care of veterans of the armed forces. This training could also benefit former police, fire, ambulance and members of the NHS as well as the wider community who have experienced traumatic events in the course of their former roles.
  • Hold an annual veterans conference at the town hall attended by representatives from this council, council depts, NHS, Police, Fire & Ambulance services, veteran’s groups, charities & support groups and potential employers.
  • Hold an Annual Festival of Remembrance at the town hall bringing together for the first time all veterans groups, family and supporters from around the borough.
  • Address the lack of communication from the Drill Hall Trust as to when Bury’s historic Castle Armoury will be put back into use for the borough’s armed forces community. Direct the Drill Hall Trust and RFCA to provide a roadmap of when and how it will be brought back into a usable state. To commit to writing to the Secretary of State for Defence to seek his support in securing the future of this historic building. We would also seek an assurance from the Commanding Officer, Fifth Fusiliers, as to when the building is fit for their use and their return to their former home.
  • Name a part of the Radcliffe Hub after the town’s only VC recipient Pte James Hutchinson and other local heros. To explore options with the local community as to the best way of celebrating local heros within the current regeneration programme
    Distribute promotional materials celebrating the borough’s two VC recipients in local schools

See full motion (motion ii)

Motion, funding for drop-in centres for older residents

Date: 11th September 2024

On the 8th July 2024, Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivered her budget statement. This statement included removing the winter fuel payments from all pension age residents other than those on pension credit.

Age UK claim that millions of struggling pensioners will no longer receive up to £300 winter fuel payments which they rely on to pay their bills. They believe that as many as 2 million pensioners who find paying their energy bills a real stretch will be seriously hit by this cut, which includes:

  • Those on low incomes who just miss out on Pension Credit,
  • Those with high energy needs because of disability or illness,
  • The 1 million who do not receive the Pension Credit for which they are eligible.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Work with community organisations and churches throughout Bury MBC to provide funding to cover the costs of hosting warming hub drop-ins for residents seeking either a warm space or advice on available help
  • Invite organisations such as Age UK and CAB (or an alternative Council employee) to attend these drop-ins to provide help and advice regarding eligibility and completion of forms for pension credit, attendance allowance, council tax relief, carers allowance etc
  • Work to engage the PCN that does not currently fund the staying well service with a view to bringing the 8 GP Practices in Bury not currently eligible into the scheme.
  • Arrange for the Older People’s Staying Well Team to attend these drop-in sessions on a rotational basis to give advice on healthy living and available groups and classes for physical exercise and social activities
  • Fund Calico to attend the sessions to provide help to residents in the private rental sector seeking advice
  • Council to provide, as part of the Government sanctioned Pension Credit Awareness scheme, for a dedicated employee to send a letter to all residents over the age of 66 years to inform them of the deadline of 21st December 2024, for submitting a claim for Pension Credit in order that they may receive the full three months of backdated benefits.

See full motion (motion iii)

Reducing discharges from combined storm overflows (CSOs) 

Date: 17th July 2024

Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) have been seen by the water sector as a necessary ‘safety valve’ in the sewer system to prevent sewage backing up during periods of extreme rainfall.

CSOs combine raw sewage with other pollutants in rainfall runoff from pavements and roads, they discharge a wide range of contaminants such as faecal pathogens (including bacteria resistant to antibiotics), industrial chemicals, sanitary products, pharmaceuticals, microplastics, heavy metals, oils, and solids such as wet wipes. This cocktail,discharged into our rivers, has negative impacts including:

  • Risk to public health through contact recreation in rivers and potential risk via airborne bacteria and pathogens.
  • Chronic and acute effects upon aquatic wildlife.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Request a meeting with United Utilities and local councillors to discuss concerns and explore local solutions to the discharging of sewage into rivers which either flow through or feed into rivers that flow through Bury MBC.
  • Write to our two local MPs outlining the concerns raised about the effective regulation of United Utilities and continued spills/discharges from CSOs.
  • Write to the Regulator the Environment Agency asking that priority is given to addressing the discharge into all rivers not simply those in river bathing areas.
  • Write to the Regulator the Environment Agency requesting direct engagement between concerned members to establish what they are doing to improve water quality in our Borough and prevent further unnecessary spills.

See full motion (motion i)

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

Date: 17th January 2024

Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HMO) have become a significant part of the rental sector and can provide accommodation at a cheaper rate than renting a whole house or flat. This is useful for people who have limited housing choices or looking for short stay accommodation, such as migrant workers or young professionals.

The growth of HMO’s also has an impact on the local community Eg waste management, health and safety, social care, access to health services and property availability for first time buyers.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • To update the website to state a review of the HMO register is in process and will be published when complete
  • To inspect as appropriate applications to ensure a good standard of safety and maintenance and carry out appropriate enforcement of those that do not meet the standard.
  • To explore the possibility of expanding the Article 4 Directive (remove permitted development rights), to other areas of the Borough, if and when such areas are identified.
  • To explore Council Tax rules available to us and where possible ensure that landlords are paying appropriate tax for their business.
  • To explore the potential of additional funding to be made available to the Licensing and Enforcement teams during the budget setting process.

See full motion (motion i)

Addressing the impact of branded, non-standard trimmings and fabric pattern specific items on the cost of secondary school uniforms

Date: 22nd November 2023

As the cost-of-living crisis bites further parents are now facing the additional costs of ensuring that their children are clothed in the correct uniform. This is an additional drain on resources that parents struggling to put food on the table cannot afford.

The motion noted that parents should not have to think about the cost of a school uniform when choosing which school(s) to apply for. Therefore, schools need to ensure that their uniform is affordable. And that schools should keep the use of branded items as part of the uniform to a minimum.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

Ask the relevant Cabinet Portfolio holder to write to all Bury schools requesting:

  • They review their uniform policy in line with the DfE November 2021 guidance to ensure that they are fully complying with the required guidelines when developing their uniform policy.
  • They reconsider the use of mandatory branded school uniform items where unbranded items can be bought at more affordable prices.

Also, we ask the council to write to secondary schools within Bury MBC to request:

  • Schools look at ways to ensure effective communication with parents and pupils when designing their uniform policy or when making any significant changes. They should consider these views when determining uniform policy.
  • Schools undertake an audit of uniform policy and report back on identified means of reducing/minimising the cost of the school uniforms to make them affordable to all parents.
  • Schools commit to choosing a PE kit which is practical, comfortable and affordable, minimising the use of branded items e.g. choosing non branded socks and shorts/skorts and games socks.

See full motion (motion ii)

Promotion of Council reporting system to help identify hotspots for rat infestations and production of a report identifying ways of reducing the problem.

Date: 22nd March 2023

A recent Manchester Evening News article identified Bury MBC as being ranked sixth out of the 10 local authorities in Greater Manchester in terms of rat problems. This article however misses important facts that may lead to a misrepresentation of the true picture. Further research shows that the two local authorities at the top of the list have some of the lowest pest control call out rates and probably more significantly Tameside, ranked at the bottom has the highest rates. As councillors many of us hear anecdotal reports of rat sightings from residents. In part, due to call out costs, many residents, especially in poorer areas will opt to treat the problem themselves and so these incidents will go unreported through official channels. It is thought that rat infestations are more likely to occur in areas of high-density housing and in older terraced properties it is true that travel from property to property is often easier.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Promote the reporting system by running a “report a rat” campaign using notices on lampposts and posters in public places to make residents aware of the reporting system
  • Officers to review fee levels in relation to pest control call out costs to encourage more reporting of issues in private properties
  • Officers to work with private landlords and housing associations to look at ways of reducing the incidents of overflowing communal bins for apartments and HMOs to reduce available food sources for the rats
  • Officers to review how the Council can work with commercial food outlets to reduce discarded waste and overflowing waste bins.

See full motion (motion ii)

Community Governance Review

Date: 19th July 2023

Bury MBC has powers to conduct a Community Governance Review (CGR) for a specific area within the Borough.

The Council notes the establishment of a Town Council may promote community engagement, effective local government and the provision of local services for local people that Bury Council may be unable to sustain due to resource pressures.

In addition, Government guidance states that it is good practice for principal councils to conduct a community governance review every 10-15 years, except in areas with very low populations.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Bury Council (‘the Council’) to undertake a community governance review (‘the review’) of the whole of the Borough following the completion of the Electoral Review by the Boundary Commission.
  • The review will consider whether any changes should be made to existing community governance arrangements within the Six Towns that make up the Borough including whether a new Town Council should be created and the electoral arrangements for this Town Council.
  • That Radcliffe should be the Township pilot for this review which may then be extended across the other five Towns that make up the whole.
  • In accordance with regulations issued under the Local Government Act 2000, functions relating to Community Governance Reviews are not to be the responsibility of an authority’s executive.
  • The management of the review will be the responsibility of a project manager appointed by the Director of Law & Governance.
  • Establish a cross party Community Governance Review Working Party.

See full motion (motion i)

School Meals in the Borough

Date: 7th December 2022

All schools in the Borough have policies around school meals regarding nutritional balance, variation and dietary requirements as per the legislative requirements.

It is noticeable that what is missing from these policies is the balance between the number of students attending cafeteria facilities and the time available to them to queue, choose, purchase and consume their meals. What is not clear from these policies is the available choice readily available to the students who are at the back of that queue.

Analysis has shown that Bury MBC does not have a specific policy for the management of the school meals, such as a Mealtime Management Plan for the distribution and consumption of the meals. From the all the non-feeing paying High schools within the Borough of Bury, only one of those schools does in fact, have a policy for the management of school meals.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

Commission an internal review of meal management at Bury Schools and that the findings of the review inform a policy which can be commended to all Schools.

See full motion (motion i)

Work towards improving and safeguarding the Bury MBC stretch of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal

Date: 21st September 2022

Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is a fantastic wildlife corridor through Radcliffe and Bury. It extends as far as the border with Little Lever in the south and runs up to Elton Reservoir and into Redvales and Church ward at the north end. It is well loved by residents and in the lockdown period it served as a much-needed green space for residents. In recent years, the Bury MBC section has been looked after by Little Britain Anglers and Radcliffe Litter Pickers.

For many years there has been talk of restoring the canal but the Canal and Rivers Trust to consider the canal low priority. CRT are obliged to keep the MBB canal safe for public use, however they are under no obligation to make it navigable because it is classed as a 'remainder canal' (Transport Act 1968). As custodians of the canal the Council needs to find a way to work with CRT to improve the prospects for the canal.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Carry out a feasibility study into renovation of the canal with the possibility of including it in the Radcliffe Regeneration plans. This should consider the ambition to use the canal as a facility for fishing and water sports and working with the Canal and Rivers Trust to improve the tow paths to give better access for walking and cycling.
  • Look at ways of preventing fly-tipping and littering from Council owned land such as car parks and bridges crossing the canal
  • Work to ensure visibility in currently obscured areas of access to the canal to prevent risk of crime, anti-social behaviour, and damage to property such as graffiti
  • Working with the police to address the safety concerns of residents accessing and using the tow path
  • Call on the Canal and Rivers Trust to adopt a strategy to stop the water in the canal dropping to a level hazardous to wildlife

See full motion (motion ii)

Introduction of a Formal Socio-Economic Duty Policy

Date: 20th July 2022

We are calling on the Council to formerly adopt a Socio-Economic Duty Policy. This will mean that any decisions on policy, funding or disposal of assets will be mindful of the impact on residents from more socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Through this policy the Council would aim for a more equal society where residents’ access to quality education, health services, access to an equal standard of leisure services, public amenities and outdoor green spaces is not governed by their socio-economic status. The Council would introduce the requirement for observance of the guidelines derived from this policy into the formal decision making process.

Proposed outcomes

The Council resolves to:

  • Call on the Council to write and adopt a Socio-Economic Duty Policy requiring all departments at the Council to consider the potential of any policy, project or material amendment on all residents in the community. In particular they should ensure that areas of high socio-economic disadvantage are not unfairly impacted.
  • Ask the Council for the inclusion of 'disadvantaged socio-economic status' as a protected characteristic in council procedures. This should prevent anyone being subject to less favourable treatment in the exercise of their rights because of their inherited social status or economic situation.
  • Call on the Council to commit to more open consultation with residents on all projects going forward. They should endeavour to fully engage with residents, listen to feedback and act on the outputs of these on consultations.

See full motion (motion iii)